Stephanie Assmann
Professional ​
I hold a PhD in Sociology of Japan from the University of Hamburg, Germany. My research interests focus on consumption and consumer behavior in Japan, including the consumption of food and fashion. Recently, I am interested in various aspects of Japanese food culture such as activities of the Slow Food Movement, the nationwide food education campaign (shokuiku) initiated by the Japanese government in 2005, and Japanese agriculture.
My second field of interest is gender in the workplace. I have done research on the implementation of the Equal Employment Oportunity Law (EEOL) since it s enactment in 1986.
University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan
School of Economics and Management
- Global Business Course -
April 2019 - present
The Global Business Course was founded in April 2019 with the aim to prepare Japanese and international students for a career in international management and business. All courses on this program will be taught in English. From fall 2019 onwards, I will be teaching an introduction to sociology and an introduction to cultural anthropology.
You can find more about this program here.
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Research Faculty of Media and Communication
Specially Appointed Professor
​April 2014 - March 2019
​I served as a specially appointed professor at the Research Faculty of Media and Communication at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. I contributed to the Modern Japanese Studies Program (MSJP).
You can find more about this program here:
Courses taught:
Spring Semester 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018
Food and Nutrition in Contemporary Japan
Fall Semester 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018
Consumption in Japan
2016 and 2017 (Intensive Course on Fieldwork)
Workshop "Local/global food as revitalization" (taught in co-operation with Dr. Susanne Klien)
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Institute of Asian and African Studies
Guest Professor
November 2013 - March 2014
Courses Taught: Introduction to Food and Nutrition in Contemporary Japan.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg, Germany
Japan Summer Program German Language and Culture for Japanese Students
Coordinator and Instructor
2011 - 2013
Coordinated a Language Exchange Program for Students of Akita University and Worked as Instructor for German Language and Culture.
Akita University, Akita, Japan
Faculty of Education and Human Studies
Associate Professor
2010 - 2014
Courses Taught: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Socioloy, Gender in the Workplace.
Tokyo International University, Saitama, Japan
Japan Studies Program (JSP)
Part-Time Instructor
2005 - 2006
Courses Taught: Gender in Japanese Society (in English)
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Center for the Advancement of Higher Education
Lecturer and research associate in the Center for the Study of Equality and Social Stratification.
2​004 - 2010
​Courses Taught: Introduction to German

1999 - 2001
Fellowship Awarded by the Japanese Government (Monbusho) for Rsearch towards a Doctoral Dissertation. Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
for the Completion of Doctoral Thesis at Institute of Asian and African Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Award Excellence in Teaching, Hokkaido University, 2019

German (native)
English (full professional ability)
Japanese (full professional ability)

University of Hamburg, Germany
Institute of African and Asian Studies
Doctor of Philosophy (magna cum laude)
Title of Doctoral Thesis:
Wertewandel und soziale Schichtung in Japan. Differenzierungsprozesse im Konsumentenverhalten japanischer Frauen [Value Change and Social Stratification in Japan. Aspects of Women’s Consumer Behavior]
1990 - 1997
Master of Arts in Japanese Studies, History and Political Science
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Department of Commerce
​1999 - 2001
Visiting Doctoral Researcher