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Member of Editorial Board

Since April 2021, I have been serving on the editorial board of Social Science Japan Journal. You can find more information about this journal here.


My edited collection entitled "Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan. Challenges and Opportunities", published by Routledge in 2016, was discussed in a series Local Japan Podcast on June 2, 2022.

Four ways to stop rural decline

In March 2023, I was interviewed about sustainability in contemporary rural Japan.

This podcast series is run by a group of young and enthusiastic entrepreneurs who explore rural life in Kobe and the vicinity and conduct a series of interviews with business people and researchers. You can find more about this podcast series here:

Local Japan Podcast

Review Activities

I review articles for the following journals on a regular basis:


Food & Foodways

Food, Culture and Society

Journal of Japanese Studies

Citrus Fruits

Media, Editorial and Review Activities

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