Stephanie Assmann
Books and Special Journal Issues
Forthcoming 2025. Food Education and Rural Resilience in Contemporary Japan: Nourishing National Identity. Amsterdam University Press, Sustainability and Consumption in East Asia.
2017. Special Issue. Global Engagement for Local and Indigenous Tastes: Culinary Globalization in East Asia. In: Gastronomica. The Journal of Critical Food Studies, Volume 17, Issue 3.
2016. Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities, London: Routledge.
2010. Japanese Foodways. Past and Present. Co-edited with Eric C. Rath, Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
2005. Wertewandel und soziale Schichtung in Japan. Differenzierungsprozesse im Konsumentenverhalten japanischer Frauen [Value Change and Social Stratification in Japan. Aspects of Women’s Consumer Behavior], Hamburg: Institute for Asian Affairs. Table of Contents.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Culinary heritage in Asia: National and regional identities – Reflections from the field
[version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 5 approved with reservations]
Routledge Open Res 2024, 3:6 (
2017. Culinary Politics in Japan: The Shokuiku Campaign. In: Gastronomica. The Journal of Critical Food Studies, Volume 17, Issue 3, Fall 2017: 15 - 23.
2017. Introduction to Special Issue: Global Engagement for Local and Indigenous Tastes: Culinary Globalization in East Asia. In: Gastronomica. The Journal of Critical Food Studies, Volume 17, Issue 3, Fall 2017: 1 - 3.
2014. Gender Equality in Japan: The Equal Employment Opportunity Law Revisited.
The Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus, Issue 44, No. 2, November 10, 2014.
2013. Reassessing Food Safety, Risk and Globalization in China and Japan: An Overview of Emerging Research Trends. Food, Culture and Society. An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 16, Number 1, March 2013: 7 - 19.
2010. Food Action Nippon and Slow Food Japan: The Role of Two Citizen Movements in the Rediscovery of Local Foodways. Ed. James Farrer. Globalization, Food and Social Identities in the Pacific Region. Tokyo: Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture. Republished in: Ed. Katarzyna J. Cwiertka. Critical Readings on Food in Asia, Leiden: Brill: 977 - 993.
2009. Dispatched and Displaced. Rethinking Employment and Welfare Protection in Japan. Co-authored with Sebastian Maslow. The Asia-Pacific Journal. Japan Focus, 15-3-10. April 12. 2009.
2008. Between Tradition and Innovation: The Reinvention of Kimono in Japanese Consumer Culture. Ed. Valerie Steele. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, Volume 12, Issue 3, New York/London: Berg Publishers: 359 - 376.
1998. Der Versandhandel in Japan [Mail-Order Business in Japan]. Ed. Manfred Pohl. Japan 1997/1998. Politik und Gesellschaft [Japan 1997/98. Politics and Society]. Hamburg: Institute for Asian Affairs: 273 - 302.
Book Chapters
2020. Gender and the Law. Progress and Remaining Problems. In: Eds. Jennifer Coates, Lucy Fraser, and Mark Pendleton. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture, London: Routledge: 157 - 167.
2019. Mediating Health and National Identity: Visual Representations of the Food Education Campaign in Japan. Eds. Jörg Dürrschmidt and York Kautt, Globalized Eating Cultures. Mediation and Mediatization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 53 - 68.
2018. Consumption of Fast Fashion in Japan: Local Brands and Global Environment. Ed. Katarzyna J. Cwiertka and Ewa Machotka. Consuming Life in Post-Bubble Japan. A Transdisciplinary Perspective. Asia Book Series, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press: 49 - 67.
2017. Global Recognition and Domestic Containment. Culinary Soft Power in Japan. Eds. Andreas Niehaus and Tine Walravens, Feeding Japan. The Cultural and Political Issues of Dependency and Risk, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 113 - 137.
2016. Agriculture in Japan: Trapped Between Free Trade and the Need for Reform. Ed. Stephanie Assmann, Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities, London: Routledge: 49 - 61.
2016. Introduction. Ed. Stephanie Assmann, Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities, London: Routledge 2016: xv - xxv.
2016. Diversity in the Japanese Firm. Ed. Parissa Haghirian, Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management, London: Routledge: 224 - 235.
2015. The Remaking of a National Cuisine: The Food Education Campaign in Japan. Ed. James Farrer, Globalization and Asian Cuisines: Transnational Networks and Contact Zones, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 165 - 185.
2012. Food Action Nippon and Slow Food Japan: The Role of Two Citizen Movements in the Rediscovery of Local Foodways. Ed. Katarzyna J. Cwiertka, Critical Readings on Food in Asia, Leiden: Brill: 977 - 993.
2011. Beyond Sushi and Tempura. An Overview of the Japanese Food Market. Ed. Parissa Haghirian. Japanese Consumer Dynamics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 165 - 184.
2010. Culinary Heritage in Northern Japan: ‘Slow Food’ and ‘Traditional Vegetables’. Ed. Eric C. Rath and Stephanie Assmann. Japanese Foodways. Past and Present, Champaign: University of Illinois Press: 243 - 256.
2010. Editors’ Introduction. Co-authored with Eric C. Rath. Ed. Eric C. Rath and Stephanie Assmann. Japanese Foodways. Past and Present, Champaign: University of Illinois Press: 1 - 15.
2010. The Long Path towards Gender Equality in Japan: The Revision of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and its Implementation. Ed. Parissa Haghirian. Innovation and Development in Japanese Management and Technology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 139 - 156.
Reviews, Conference Reports, and Comments
2024. Comment on Cultural Literacy as Mission and Product. Age, Class, and Gender in Japan’s Kimono Academies by Julie Valk. In: Current Anthropology,
2017. Workshop Report: Envisioning the Future of Food Across North-South Divides: Transregional Food Networks and Movements. Forum Transregional Studies, Berlin, December 1 - 3, 2016. In: Soziologiemagazin. Published 18.04.2017.
2017. Conference Report: Food Education in Japan and Germany. Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), Free University Berlin; Hokkaido University, Japanese-German Center Berlin. In: H-Soz-Kult. Published 17.02.2017.
2016. Conference Report: Waste in Asia. Leiden, the Netherlands, June 9-11, 2016. In: Asien. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 141, October 2016: 90 - 91.
2012. 25 Years after the Enactment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEOL): Online Access to Gender Equality in Japan, In: Asian Politics & Policy, Volume 4, Issue 2: 280 – 285.
2011. Food Education in Japan: A Review of Online Representation of the Shokuiku Campaign. In: Asian Politics & Policy, Volume 3, Number 1: 149 - 152.
2011. Anthropology of Food in China, Taiwan and Japan, co-authored with Yi-Chieh Jessica Lin, Invited Column for In: Anthropology News, May Edition: 38 - 39.
2010. All But Konbini? Nutrition Outside the Home and Culinary Education in Japan. Changes of Every-day Eating Habits in Families and Households Compared between Germany and Japan [Wandel des Essalltags - Organisation und Gestaltung von Ernährung zwischen Familie und Öffentlichkeit im deutsch-japanischen Vergleich], International Workshop, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, 2010: 88 - 94.
2010. 'Digital Government' in Japan: A Selective Survey of Japanese Ministry Web Sites. Co-authored with Sebastian Maslow. In: Asian Politics & Policy, Volume 2, Number 2: 291 - 294.
2010. Die Wiederentdeckung Japans kulinarischen Erbes [The Rediscovery of Japan’s Culinary Heritage]. Ed. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (OAG), In: OAG Notizen 03/2010: 28 - 38.
2010. Counterbalancing Neoliberal Labor Market Reforms on the Periphery: A Case Study of Miyagi Prefecture. Co-authored with Sebastian Maslow. Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association in Southeast Asia, Hanoi, 22 October 2009.
2003. Japanese Women’s Magazines. Inspiration and Commodity. Ed. Peter Matanle. In: Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies (ejcjs), 20 October 2003.
Book Reviews
2024. The Global Japanese Restaurant: Mobilities, Imaginaries, and Politics. Edited by James Farrer and David L. Wank. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2023.
Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies, 24 (3): 100-101.
2024. Kyoto Revisited: Heritage Tourism in Contemporary Japan. Jennifer S. Prough
The Journal of Japanese Studies, 50(2) 457-460, Jun, 2024
2023. Rethinking Locality in Japan. Edited by Sonja Ganseforth and Hanno Jentzsch,
London and New York: Routledge, 2021. Social Science Japan Journal, 26 (2),
2022. Genpatsu Jiko to ‘Shoku’: Shijō, Komyunikēshon, Sabetsu (The Nuclear Disaster and ‘Food’. The Market, Communication, Discrimination). Igarashi Yasumasa. Social Science Japan Journal, 25 (2): 361–364,
2021. Japan Beyond the Kimono: Innovation and Tradition in the Kyoto Textile Industry.
Jenny Hall. London: Bloomsbury, 2020.
Social Science Japan Journal, 25 (2): 403–405,
2020. Jahrbuch für Kulinaristik [Yearbook of Culinary Studies]. The German Journal of Food Studies and Hospitality. Volume 2. Edited by Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Munich: Iudicium, 2018.
In: Food and Foodways. Explorations in the History and Culture of Human Nourishment, Volume 28, Issue 4: 332-334.
2020. Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna. Food Safety After Fukushima: Scientific Citizenship and the Politics of Risk. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2019.
In: Social Science Japan Journal, Volume 23, Issue 1, Winter 2020, Pages 112–114.
2016. Cornelia Reiher: Lokale Identität und ländliche Revitalisierung. Die japanische Keramikstadt Arita und die Grenzen der Globalisierung [Local Identity and Rural Revitalization. The Japanese Ceramic Town Arita and the Limitations of Globalization], Bielefeld: transcript, 2014. In: Asien. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 139, April 2016: 151 - 152.
2015. George Solt: The Untold History of Ramen. How Political Crisis in Japan Spawned a Global Food Craze, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014. / Barak Kushner: Slurp! A Social and Culinary History of Ramen – Japan’s Favorite Noodle Soup, Leiden: Brill, 2012. / Frederick Errington, Tatsuro Fujikura, Deborah Gewertz: The Noodle Narratives. The Global Rise of an Industrial Food into the Twenty-First Century, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Book Review Feature in: Katarzyna Cwiertka et al. (eds), Global Food History, Volume 1, Issue 1, Bloomsbury Publishers: 103 - 108.
2014. Japan’s Shrinking Regions in the 21st Century: Contemporary Responses to Depopulation and Socioeconomic Decline. Peter Matanle and Anthony Rausch with The Shrinking Regions Group. Amherst, N.Y.: Cambria Press, 2011. In: The Journal of Asian Studies, volume 73, issue 04: 1135-1137.
2014. Donald C. Wood, Ogata-Mura: Sowing Dissent and Reclaiming Identity in a Japanese Farming Village, New York: Berghahn Books, 2012. In: Agricultural History, Volume 88, Number 2, 308 - 309.
2013. Merry White, Coffee Life in Japan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012. In: The Journal of Asian Studies, 72: 728 - 729.
2013. Kristin Surak, Making Tea, Making Japan. Cultural Nationalism in Progress, Stanford: Stanford University Press. In: Social History, Volume 38, Number 4, 2013: 543 - 544.
2013 América Solanger Bustamente Arévalo: Ernährungserziehung (shokuiku) und die nationale Identität Japans [Food Education (shokuiku) and National Identity in Japan], München: Iudicium 2013. In: Food & History, Volume 11,1: 257 - 259.
2010. Barbara Holthus "Paarbeziehungen in japanischen Frauenzeitschriften seit 1970. Medien und Geschlecht in Japan [Partner Relationships in Japanese Women's Magazines since 1970. Media and Gender in Japan]", Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific Issue 24.
Publications about Teaching and Education
2017. With Susanne Klien. Finnische Piroggen, vietnamesische Reisbälle und Finger Food aus Singapur: Feldforschung und kulinarische Begegnung in Hokkaidō, In: Informationen des Akademischen Arbeitskreises Japan - Minikomi, Nr. 86: 11 - 18.
2017. The Power of Food: Students and Local Women Cooking Together in Rural Japan. Co-authored with Susanne Klien. In: Education About Asia, Volume 22, Nr. 1, Spring 2017: 60 - 62.
2015 Hokkaido University's Modern Japanese Studies Program (MJSP), co-authored with Philip Seaton and Susanne Klien.
2012. Doitsu no kōtō kyōiku ni okeru seikatsuhi, gakuhi, shōgakukin [Living Expenses, Tuition Fees and Scholarships in the German Higher Education System], In: Kyōiku [Education], August 2012, Ed. Kokudosha: 116 - 117.
2012. Doitsu ni okeru kōtō kyōiku kaikaku [Reform of the Higher Education System in Germany]. In: Kyōiku [Education], March 2012, Ed. Kokudosha: 116 - 117.
Reviews on Publications
2016. Cecilia Leong-Salobir, The globalization of Asian cuisines: transnational networks and culinary contact zones, Asian Studies Review, Volume 40, Issue 4: 638 - 640.
2012. Zane Ma Rhea, Globalization, Food and Social Identities in the Asia Pacific Region: Edited by James Farrer, Food, Culture & Society, 15:2: 343 - 346.
2012. Sidney Cheung, Review "Japanese Foodways, Past and Present", Asian Anthropology, Vol. 11, 2012: 172-174.
2012. Rossella Ceccarini, Review on Japanese Foodways, Past and Present, Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 15, Number 1, March 2012: 163-164 (2).
2011. May-Lee Chai, A Review of “Japanese Foodways, Past and Present”, Asian Affairs: An American Review, 38: 3: 172 - 173.
2011. Steffen Gnam, Ethnographie der Nudelsuppe. Konsumwelten und verborgene Symbolsprachen der japanischen Esskultur, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 15.06.2011, Nr. 137.
2005. Review "Wertewandel und Soziale Schichtung in Japan", Japan Chamber of Commerce, Tokyo.